About Laurent Prévot

Professor in Language Sciences

CoFee Workshop, November 26-27th

• Date(s) : 26/11/2015 – 27/11/2015
• Lieu / location/notice : Laboratoire Parole et Langage, 5 av
Pasteur, Aix-en-Provence, salle A003 (26/11) et salle A-102 (27/11,
accès réservé)


Program :

CoFee Workshop – Day 1, November 26th

(Public access, room A003)

9:00-9:15 Introduction and workshop structure

9:15-9:45 CoFee general objective and current situation, Laurent Prévot

9:45-10:45 Shifting preferences: How the brain interprets the pregnant pause in conversation, Sarah Bögels

10:45-11:00 CoFee Break

11:00-12:00 Backchannels and turn-taking, Stefan Benus

12:00-13:30 Lunch Break (@LPL)

13:30-14:30 Automatic synchronisation of audio and video signals, Jan
14:30-15:15 Is prosodic entrainment a turn-competitive resource in
multi-party conversations? Emina Kurtiç

15:15-15:30 CoFee Break

15:30-16:30 Current Results of CoFee, Laurent Prévot
16:30-17:30 Wrap-up: Open time for discussion


CoFee Workshop – Day 2, November 27th

(ONLY CoFee members + guests, room A-102)

Working sessions / Open Discussion

9:00-9:45 Data session / Looking more into CoFee (and related datasets)
– CoFee Corpora Presentation
– Processing steps
– Datasets extraction

9:45-10:30 Multimodality from a practical perspective
– Theoretical issues (multimodal units,…)
– Methodological issues
– Tools (Annotation and Extraction)

10:30-10:45 CoFee Break

10:45-11:30 Theoretical and applied perspectives and implications for
the work on conversational feedback
– From Corpora to Experiments (and back) (0h45)
– Inter-individual and inter-situational variation
– Cross-lingtuistic studies
– Formal modelling

11:30-12:00 Wrap-up and conclusions

12:00-14:00 Closing Lunch

Laurent Prévot

Professor in Language Sciences

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Kristiina Jokinen’s Talk @ LPL

Engagement and Affects in WikiTalk Interactions

September 30th, 14h

LPL Conference Room (5 avenue Pasteur)
Kristiina Jokinen
University of Helsinki (Finland)
University of Tartu (Estonia)

In this talk I will talk about my work related to interaction modelling,
and discuss issues related to engagement in WikiTalk, a robot application
that enables the user to query Wikipedia via the Nao robot. The robot
supports open-domain conversations using Wikipedia as a knowledge source.
To manage smooth interaction, it is important to capture the userís
emotional and attentional state. I will focus on the challenges related
to the topic structure, new information, and tracking the user’s interest
level, engagement, and emotional state in interaction.



Laurent Prévot

Professor in Language Sciences

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CoFee presented @ LIF (Marseille)

Une approche quantitative de l’usage des items de feedback en français

Laurent Prévot, Séminaire Talep

10/02/2015, LIF, Marseille

Les énoncés de feedback sont parmi les plus fréquents dans situations de communication interactives. Ils sont cruciaux pour les théories de la communication étudiée en tant qu’activité jointe des participants.
Dans ce travail nous tentons de déterminer la contribution des différentes domaines linguistiques (lexique, prosodie, geste) et paramètres contextuels (discours, parole, conversation) dans le signalement des fonctions communicatives traditionnellement associées au feedback (grounding, attitudes, statut informationnel…). Notre travail s’appuie sur 4 corpus transcrits (dont 2 ont été entièrement créés dans le cadre du projet ANR CoFee) pour une durée totale d’environ 16 heures de parole dialogique. Nous présenterons ces corpus, notre méthodologie (extractions de traits pertinents et annotation) et les premiers résultats obtenus sur ces données.


Laurent Prévot

Professor in Language Sciences

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New MTX Corpus (Audio Visual Maptask)



A new corpus has been recorded. The transcription and alignment of this “MTX-Corpus” is completed. One aim of the project is to analyze conversational feedback at different interactional situations (spontaneous conversation, task-oriented dialogue and an intermediate condition). While working on the French Map Task we figured out that hit will be interesting to vary the recording condition (remote vs. face-to-face) as it has actually be done on the Edimburg Map Task . These two conditions allow to compare precisely feedback behaviors in different presence situation with the task remaining the same.


The resource is accessible on ortolang at the following place: http://sldr.org/sldr000875

Laurent Prévot

Professor in Language Sciences

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