New MTX Corpus (Audio Visual Maptask)



A new corpus has been recorded. The transcription and alignment of this “MTX-Corpus” is completed. One aim of the project is to analyze conversational feedback at different interactional situations (spontaneous conversation, task-oriented dialogue and an intermediate condition). While working on the French Map Task we figured out that hit will be interesting to vary the recording condition (remote vs. face-to-face) as it has actually be done on the Edimburg Map Task . These two conditions allow to compare precisely feedback behaviors in different presence situation with the task remaining the same.


The resource is accessible on ortolang at the following place:

Laurent Prévot

Professor in Language Sciences

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New DVD-Corpus


A new corpus has been recorded. The transcription of this “DVD-Corpus” is nearly finished. One aim of the project is to analyse conversational feedback at different interactional situations (spontaneous conversation, task-oriented dialogue and an intermediate condition). Therefore, a corpus involving discussions and negotiations about movies has been recorded, as the first two conditions are already covered by the CID corpus and the Maptask (remote and audio-visual) corpus.


Post-Doctoral Researcher at Aix-Marseille Université, Laboratoire Parole et Langage.

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Annotation guidelines for the visual domain

After the visual maptask corpus has been recorded, annotation guidelines for the visual modality are developed. In parallel to the verbal transcriptions, the first version of the visual annotation guidelines is underway to be tested on the pilot recordings. The guidelines are largely informed by guidelines suggested by David McNeill and the MUMIN scheme. The aim was to take the advantages from both schemes and simplifying the new guidelines without a major loss of information and detail. The guidelines are tailored to the needs of (i) annotating nonverbal feedback as well as the movements of the interlocutor and (ii) annotating vast quantities of data. If improvements to the guidelines are necessary, a second version is to be created that is then used for the annotate the visual maptask corpus. According to time constraints, a strict limit to a certain amount of data or a focus on the verbal feedback items might be envisaged, but has not been decided yet.

The annotations of the visual behaviour will be used in two manners. On the one hand, a qualitative analysis of interactional sequences will be performed using methods of CA. On the other hand, a quantitative analysis is used for a general overview on the visual resources used by participants of task-oriented dialogues and in particular for statistical support.


Post-Doctoral Researcher at Aix-Marseille Université, Laboratoire Parole et Langage.

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CoFee Post-Doc Position open

Postdoc on “Conversational Feedback: Multidimensional analyses and
modeling” (CoFee), Laboratoire Parole et Langage (Aix-En-Provence)
(UMR 7309)

Applications are invited for an 18 months postdoctoral position on
linguistic feedback modeling.

The aim of the project is to study the interfaces between linguistic
domains (lexicon, prosody, kinesic) in the context of linguistic
feedback behaviors. Only candidates with  experience with at least two
of the points below will be considered:

– speech and prosody
– dialogue / conversation / interaction analysis and modeling
– kinesics (especially facial expression and head movements)
– natural language processing

Concerning the kind of approaches considered both corpus/quantitative
and formal backgrounds are welcomed.

The position is planned to start around February 1st but we can
discuss about early or late starting period. The salary will be
determined according to the French university standards (about 1950 euros / month after tax and health insurance coverage for a young researcher). Funding for presenting
relevant research results into conferences comes with the position.

Speaking French will be a plus for everyday life in Aix-en-Provence,
but fluency in English is the minimal requirement.

The research lab is located in the center of Aix-en-Provence
( Aix is a sunny middle-sized
city of South East France, nested in the Provence countryside, 30
minutes from the Mediterranean and 1h30 from the Alps.

The “Laboratoire Parole et Langage”  is a very active lab currently
involved in several large scale projects (Labex “Brain and Language
Research Institute” : ; EQUIPEX Open Resources and Tools
for LANGuage (ORTOLANG) : ; and Erasmus Mundus
“Multilingualism and Multiculturalism”: ) offering a
stimulating research environment and large and diverse opportunities
of collaborations.

A curriculum vitae and a list of publications should be sent to
Laurent Prévot ( by December 31st but please contact us asap if you are interested by the position for deepening mutual knowledge before formal application.

For more information, please visit the following web pages:

Laboratoire Parole et Langage:

Conversational Feedback

This site is about the ANR project “Conversational Feedback”. In a conversation, feedback is mostly performed through short utterances produced by another participant than the main current speaker. These utterances
are among the most frequent in conversational data. They are also considered as
crucial communicative tools for achieving coordination in dialogue. They have
been the topic of various descriptive studies and often given a central role in
applications such as dialogue systems. The present project addresses this issue
from a linguistic viewpoint and combines fine-grained corpus analyses of semi-
controlled data with formal and statistical modeling.